"CountryIntel developed a first of its’ kind Training Gap Dashboard which allowed the Government to monitor all training requirements by location, command, personnel type, and other demographics necessary to inform the targeted allocation of training resources."
"WPS is incredibly important, and we’re so glad to have it as part of the curriculum. The amount of thought, organization, expertise, and teamwork that you all brought was truly appreciated. What a valuable module that was for the students!"
— DoD Training and Education Course Manager
“CountryIntel assisted the Government in achieving its Department of Defense mandate to lead all Military Departments and other SC stakeholders for security cooperation.”
"We very much hope that you and your team are able to return for our next class!"
— DoD Training and Education Course Manager
On behalf of DIILS I would like to thank you for all of the work you put into the WPS materials and tools over the past year. We are grateful for your assistance, appreciated the opportunity to work with you, and look forward to putting these products to use to improve how we approach integrating WPS into our Security Cooperation programming.
— Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS)