News & Intel
What Our Clients Say
"The WPS training was well received – not least because your WPS experts had such a great presentation. We’ll also coordinate to get your Expert into our course earlier and with more time!"
— Department of Defense Executive Education Manager
"The training was so well done and you all made such a fabulous team!"
— DoD Training and Education Course Manager
"The Government is now able to track and analyze the Security Cooperation certification status of all of the Military Departments' and other stakeholders' which was not possible to track prior to CountryIntel’s efforts."
"CountryIntel leveraged its survey design and execution capability, and utilized its existing data collection tools to deliver the results of the survey to Government well within the established schedule while saving the Government tens of thousands of dollars."
On behalf of DIILS I would like to thank you for all of the work you put into the WPS materials and tools over the past year. We are grateful for your assistance, appreciated the opportunity to work with you, and look forward to putting these products to use to improve how we approach integrating WPS into our Security Cooperation programming.
— Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS)